Within the flower there lies a seed,
Within the seed there springs a tree,
Within the tree there spreads a wood.
In the wood there burns a fire,
And in the fire there melts a stone,
WIthin the stone a ring of iron.
Within the ring there lies an O,
Within the O there looks an eye,
In the eye there swims a sea,
And in the sea reflected sky,
And in the sky there shines the sun,
Within the sun a bird of gold.
Within the bird there beats a heart,
And from the heart there flows a song,
And in the song there sings a word.
In the word there speaks a world,
A world of joy, a world of grief,
From joy and grief there springs my love.
Oh love, my love, there springs a world,
And on the world there shines a sun,
And in the sun there burns a fire.
Within the fire consumes my heart,
And in my heart there beats a bird,
And in the bird there wakes an eye,
Within the eye, earth, sea and sky,
Earth, sky and sea within an O
Lie like the seed within the flower.
Incantation du monde
Au sein de la fleur demeure la graine
Au sein de la fleur demeure la graine
Within the seed tree can
In the tree expansion of the forest.
There in the forest, a fire burns
And there, the flame burns in the stone ,
Within the stone a ring of iron.
Within the ring remains an O
Within this O look a look,
And eye swims an ocean.
And in the sea, the sky reflected
And there in the sky, shining sun,
Within the sun, a golden bird.
Within the bird, a heart that beats,
And this chorus flows a song
And this song, sing a word.
In speech, speaks a world,
Word of joy, world of suffering,
From joy, suffering comes my love.
love, my love from which the world
And the world shines a sun
And the sun burns a fire.
Within the fire burns my heart
And my heart beats a bird
And in the bird awakens an eye.
In the eye, the earth, sea and sky,
Earth, Sea and Sky in an O
Resident such seed in the flower.
Kathleen Raine, p Oth contained in the first day , Granite, 1980, with a translation of F. - X. Jaujard.
Trad. S. Labbe
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