Saturday, November 20, 2010

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A poem Reverdy's prose

It is sort of a precursor of surrealism, he founded in 1917, the magazine will host the North South reflections of all the avant-garde of the twenties. The immediate postwar period is for the young poet a period of intense production literature, he produced many books ( Poems in prose , The Skylight oval ...) and asserting a unique style that s urréalistes recognize unanimously. In 1926 Reverdy leaves the hubbub of the capital and settled near the abbey of Solem offering an asylum to his taste for the absolute. Beautiful books appear sporadically Sources Wind in 1929 Singing died in 1948, letting an existential concern and the need to find meaning through the poetic journey.

The Word

If the light goes out, you stand alone before the night. And what are your eyes open to light you.
Du Jardin, rise the sounds that you do not listen. Of leaf rust and branches, the water runs until morning, and it changes votes. And suddenly, you think the white portrait framed by the window. But no one passes by without looking. And not even the wind will disturb the trees, animate this stillness, this silence when your wounded spirit rises and spins.

the ball , 1928.


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