To inaugurate the presentations, it is the passionate knitter and dynamic founder of the store Fairy Mesh , we have chosen.
Fairy-Mail, can you introduce yourself briefly?
I do not call me Fairy Mesh for real, but I prefer to keep that name for my activities related to wool.
I almost 45 years, a boy almost 19 years and an online store wool from ... 3 months! My previous professional life was somewhat chaotic, varied. It allowed me to develop different skills that I use for my shop today.
Today I am very happy doing what I do, and I want only one thing: go!
-KNITTED Since when do you? What was the trigger?
The fabric is a long history in my life. All women knitting at home: my mother and my 3 sisters. This is one of them who taught me. Afterwards, I always knit until the birth of my son around. I still wear a sweater I knit when I was 16!
There is a little over 2 years, I got discount. And good feelings are returned. It made me quite mad!
"What do you like in knitting?
My father often said: "untie the hands of the brain". Well my hands with needles and thread completely absolve me! I'm passionate about: I imagine the models I look up, I undo, I redo. When I knit, I am completely absorbed. I like knitting because it is creative, colorful, relaxing, quiet.
For cons, I am unable to say I prefer to knit. I am constantly learning. Lately, I'm more focused on the hats. I try my hand on a top / down ... And I test points pierced. I love doing it. Younger, I used a lot in Irish and jacquard. The imagination is limitless, and with knitting, it seems that anything is possible!
-Present us your site, what made you want to create?
All this and compiled a very urgent need of career change meant that I decided to open this shop. In fact, Initially, I thought about it because I had trouble finding the yarn I wanted to shop. Second, the development of web and social networks, like Ravelry including specialist, gave me ideas. And I am a rather independent and reserved personality. So, this business allows me to develop my self and share with people who have the same passion. I love it.
-What are your favorite yarns?
I love wool, soft fiber. It is difficult to say which ones I prefer. Fairy in Mail, I chose the brand because it has KATIA good value for money and can offer different fine materials such as merino, silk, alpaca, llama and pretty mixed, and beautiful colors.
SPINSPANSPUN And then I found on the web when it was still in Chicago. I was admiring from the beginning, because I found it absolutely brilliant that way and want to work this matter. So when I opened the shop, I suggested a collaboration she gladly accepted. Knitting the wool is pure happiness. And I find this really interesting idea to think about knitting otherwise, at least for me. Indeed, its products are as projects conceived in the future: how will we use 110 m from a superb blend merino and silk, colorful?
Also, I have a deep respect for manual work and creative: art or craft?
-What are your future plans?
So, all this gives desires. My projects are around the wool. I want to learn to spin, to create my own models, develop my shop and continue to promote designers around the wool. And then, my most immediate project is to be present in the LOT and participate in this wonderful festival of wool and knitting!
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